
    # encoding: utf-8
    # core write by Wyatt Huang
    # https://gitlab.com/wyatthuang
    # open source follow GPL license
    from cv2 import imread, imwrite
    def txt2Img(photoDir, message, outputFile):
        photo_data = imread(photoDir)
        if outputFile.split('.')[-1].lower() != 'png':
            raise Exception('The output file type can only be png, or it will cause compress loss')
        def to_bin(inf):
            maxLen = 0
            new = ''
            for i in inf:
                treated = str(bin(ord(i))).replace('0b', '')
                if maxLen < len(treated):
                    maxLen = len(treated)
                new += treated + ' '
            return [new[:-1], maxLen]
        def int_to_bin(inf):
            con = str(bin(int(str(inf), 10))).replace('0b', '')
            return con
        # analyze the total length of encode information
        totalLen = int_to_bin(len(message))
        # max length reach 1000000+
        totalLenPointer = int_to_bin(len(totalLen))
        # transfer the format into 5
        totalLenPointer = str(pow(10, 5 - len(totalLenPointer)))[1:] + totalLenPointer
        # transfer the encode information to binary form
        BinaryInf_temp = to_bin(message)
        maxLen = BinaryInf_temp[1]
        BinaryInf = BinaryInf_temp[0].split(' ')
        del BinaryInf_temp  # release memory
        # transfer all the item to have elements of the max one
        for index, nowInf in enumerate(BinaryInf):
            BinaryInf[index] = str(pow(10, maxLen - len(nowInf)))[1:] + nowInf
        # max ASCII length: 31
        # we use 5 length as universal
        lenPerInf = int_to_bin(maxLen)
        lenPerInf = str(pow(10, 5 - len(lenPerInf)))[1:] + lenPerInf
        # compose the write item
        composedInf = lenPerInf + totalLenPointer + totalLen + ''.join(BinaryInf)
        h, w = photo_data.shape[:2]
        flag = True
        # exam the size limit
        if h * w < len(composedInf):
            raise Exception('The picture cannot storage the text!')
        # write into photo
        for x in range(h):
            for y in range(w):
                nowAt = x * h + y
                if nowAt == len(composedInf):
                    flag = False
                # even as flat, odd as 1
                photo_data[x, y, 0] += photo_data[x, y, 0] % 2 - int(composedInf[nowAt])
            if not flag:
        imwrite(outputFile, photo_data)
    def img2Txt(photoDir):
        photo_data = imread(photoDir)
        if photoDir.split('.')[-1].lower() != 'png':
            raise Exception('Error will happen if the input file type is not png')
        def to_string(inf):
            return chr(int(inf, 2))
        def bin_to_int(inf):
            place = inf.find('1')
            if place == -1:
                return 0
                # print(inf[place:])
                return int(inf[place:], 2)
        h, w = photo_data.shape[:2]
        composeData = ''
        # for not call warning in program
        totalLenPointer = dataLen = lenPerInf = 1
        flag = False
        for x in range(h):
            for y in range(w):
                nowAt = x * h + y
                # for the none-data indexes
                if nowAt < 10:
                    composeData += str(photo_data[x, y, 0] % 2)
                    if nowAt == 9:
                        lenPerInf = bin_to_int(composeData[:5])
                        totalLenPointer = bin_to_int(composeData[5:])
                # for the dataLen parameter
                elif nowAt == 10 + totalLenPointer:
                    dataLen = bin_to_int(composeData[10:])
                    # empty the data container to prepared to contain binary data
                    composeData = ''
                    # yes, this line is ugly, but if not write like this, it will increase
                    # the complex of the whole code
                    composeData += str(photo_data[x, y, 0] % 2)
                    if nowAt == dataLen * lenPerInf + totalLenPointer + 10:
                        flag = True
                    composeData += str(photo_data[x, y, 0] % 2)
            if flag:
        message = ''
        # transfer back to string
        for i in range(0, len(composeData), lenPerInf):
            message += to_string(composeData[i:i + lenPerInf])
        return message



就俩方法txt2Img(photoDir, message, outputFile)img2Txt(photoDir) # return String

仓库:T2I version 2